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New for 2024 is our 10U Tournament team! All players must be from a Rochester Draw area (no exceptions) and signed up for rec ball as well. 

Tournament team is in addition to rec league and is an extra $150 fee. Players will play on their rec team for the league play and SFC tournament. Then they will play on a tournament team for five extra tournaments. If joining the tournament team, it is expected that the player will show up to the majority, if not all the tournaments. 

The additional fee includes the following: 


Pair of socks 

5 tournaments:

  • May Daze (Rochester): May 18/19
  • Summer Heat (Rochester): June 8/9
  • Twin Cities Area: June 14-16
  • Strikes and Diamonds (Pine Island): June 22
  • MN State (Location TBD): June 29/30

*Tournaments are subject to change*

For tournament team, there will be no refunds unless a team cannot be made. Teams will only be created if there are enough players, coaches, pitchers, and catchers. Tournament teams may practice. This is coach dependent and cannot interfere with scheduled rec practice. 


PRICE: $150

Includes a shirt.

M/W practice one night, and a double header the other night. 

Will participate in the SFC tournament on July 13th.

6 weeks starting May 28th and ending the week of July 8th.

There will be no games or practices the week of July 4th.